
Monday, December 28, 2015

New Calendar and Meeting Planner #ShopletReviews

In three days, 2015 will be history.  I can't beieve how time flew by so fast  this year.  This year is a great year for my family, healthwise.  We tried our best to be fit and active by  paying more attention to  our diet, we eat  healthier this year inorder to maintain our healthy bodies.  We strive hard in  staying active by  doing outdoor activities and  doing some exercise from time to time.      
To stay on track of our  fitness goals, I got this House of Doolittle 3-Month Vertical Compact Wall Calendar  to jot down our activities as a family.  This is a good   tool in  keeping our appointment dates, great for  staying organized, and a  stylish  calendar to hang on your wall.  I love this design because you don't have to tear the page when you are done with it, you can just flip it at the back and its all good.  
Aside from staying healthy all year round, one of the best things that  happened to us also is my husband's promotion. at the company that he is working  now.  The only thing he doesn't like about it is that he  is attending so many meetings now becuase of his new responsibility.  One time, he got in trouble because he forgot o attend a meeting that he was suppose to attend.  
So in order  for that incident not to happen again, I got hism this House of Doolittle Meeting Planner.  This will be of great help for him.  He was thankful that I handed him  this.  Shoplet is having a 20% off sale  of everything today so if you want to check them out, just  visit any of the links here.  
Shoplet have everything that you need for your business and home including office suppliesoffice stationarypromotional products,  and many others such as medical supplies .   Thank you once again Shoplet and House of Dolittle !

Disclosure: The owner of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the product/s mentioned  to help me  facilitate this review but  opinions are my own.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Protect Your Important Documents with LockIt #ProductReview #ShopletReviews

Protecting our  important documents is essential.  I have no locks in my filing cabinet so  I am glad that I received this desktop inbox for review from Shoplet.  This would  be a great addition in my home office.  I can finally have the  place to put  our checks and other stuff that  is important.   Lockit Desktop Inbox has a lockable compartment that provides privacy and security for confidential items such as interoffice mail envelopes, file folders, delivery sleeves and more. This Inbox is a durable steel construction with a scratch- and chip-resistant finish. I also love the fact that the non-slip, non-mar feet will not scratch surfaces.

I am thinking of  donating this Lockable Suggestion Box to my children's school.  I don't see one  at their office and this would be a  great one to  have at their office.  This multi-purpose box is ideal for securely collecting keys, suggestion cards, key cards and more. The multi-orientation design enables front or top opening door to suit user needs. This would easily mounts to vertical wall studs with diamond shaped hole pattern. Drop slot accepts larger key fobs while providing anti-fishing deterrence.
Okay, I want to know, am I  the only one that bother  wrapping coins?  We actually do it for fun  because my kids  save all their  hard earned coins in helping us at home and  when they are behaving good, they get rewarded as well.  They don't really spend their money but instead they put it in their piggy banks.  In December, they get to count how much they  save for the year and then they  deposit it in their own  savings bank account.  So having these Quarters Coin Wrappers will be beneficial for my kids.
Preformed crimped-end coin wrappers are great because  it is nested to save  space.  I remember  when we deposited the kids money last year, the bank told us  that we don't have to wrap them, that we can just bring all the coins and they will put it in their machine for counting.  We told them that it is  part of  kids learning at home.
I was however overwhelmed that they sent me so many lol.  I will have to have a garage  sale  next year to be able to  put all these to use.  But it is good to have.  So far, this is the ones thatthey counted.  They still have two weeks left.  We reward our kids for every  good grades that they get from  their tests in school, for good behavior they show at home and for  doing chores.  It's small things that  really teaches the kids responsibility.  
Shoplet have everything that you need for your business and home including office suppliesoffice stationarypromotional products,  and many others such as medical supplies .   Thank you once again Shoplet !
Disclosure: The owner of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review.  I was provided with the product/s mentioned  to help me  facilitate this review but  opinions are my own.

Friday, December 11, 2015

My Advice for Keeping Your Family Fit and Healthy

We try to be a healthy family as much as we can. We like to lounge around sometimes, but we also love going for walks and bike rides. Being fit and healthy is important if you want to live for a long time. I want to make sure I can be there for my family as much as I can be, and that they're going to be there for me too. So I always make sure that we eat well and get plenty of exercise so that we stay fit. If you want you and your family to be fitter too, there are lots of things you can do to make that happen. Here are some of my favorite ways to live a healthy lifestyle.

Drive Less

It's so easy to drive everywhere when you have somewhere to be. It's quick, and sometimes it's the only way you can travel long distances. But then you can get into the habit of driving everywhere, even if it's less than a mile away. You don't always need to drive, and sometimes it's nice to walk or ride your bike. You can take a bag with you so that you have something to carry any shopping. Not only will you feel healthier, but you can save money, and you'll be out in the fresh air. It might take a little longer to get where you're going, but it could also be quicker. Driving isn't faster if you end up stuck in traffic or having to take a long route!

Eat Foods for Energy

It can be difficult to get through all the long days and still feel energized when you get home. Even the kids can be exhausted before dinner time arrives. When I'm planning our meals, I try to make sure everyone gets the right food to give them energy for the day. Your breakfasts should provide you with slow-release energy to keep you going until at least mid-morning, if not lunchtime. Porridge is always a popular choice, and you can try other healthy cereals. Don't rely on sugar for energy because you'll just end up crashing! Make sure you get plenty of all the nutrients you need.

Cut Down on Unhealthy Snacks

It's so tempting to snack all day if you're not careful. When I'm working at home, I have easy access to everything in the kitchen. But I try not to munch on unhealthy snacks all day just because I can. It's easy to have healthy snacks in the house instead and to send the kids to school with them too. You can have fruit, vegetables, nuts, crackers, and all sorts of other snacks. But just because they're healthier, it doesn't mean you can snack on them all day. For example, nuts can have lots of fat in them. Make sure you choose sensible portion sizes instead of munching right from the packet.

Stop Smoking

If you smoke, there are many reasons you should stop doing it. Firstly, it's better for your children if they don't have to be around you smoking. But even if you don't do it for your family, you should do it for yourself. It will help you to breathe more easily, improve your circulation and give you an overall feeling of health. You can start to feel the benefits very quickly. Many people have started using e-cigarettes to try and quit. You can get them in lots of flavors, like the ones at Flavour Factory E Liquids, so it can even be more fun to try stopping.

Take the Stairs

Adding little bits of physical activity into your life can help you to be fitter without too much effort. Like sometimes leaving the car at home, taking the stairs when you have to go up a few floors is an excellent idea. When you're at home, and you have to get something from upstairs, you can walk up and down a few times before you go back to what you were doing. Just don't forget whatever you went up for!

Make Exercising Part of Your Life

The most important thing to do is to make healthy eating and exercising part of your lifestyle. You need to work out at least a few times a week if you want to stay fit and healthy. Don't just try a fad diet or exercise for a bit until you lose the weight you wanted to shift. Put things into your routine and stick to them.

Being healthy shouldn't be a chore. I love eating healthy food and exercising with my family, so you should too.