I love the Business Planner because not only you can jot down your schedules but you can also track down your weekly expenditures. You can record your expenses everyday for meals, parking, gas, and other things. That is so clever that they include that in the planner. Granted that I am not a business owner but I can still use it as my family is my "business". I need to really trackdown our expenses so we won't go over budget. You can buy this for $13.22.

I also love the Monthly desk pad 2014 Calendar because I get to schedule my kids activities. It is also perfect as I widened up my working space. I love that it has a large section ruled for notes and the spaces for every date is big enough to list down your events, appointments, and other important notes that need to be remembered. You can buy this for $6.90.

So once again, Shoplet has provided me the essential things that makes my everyday schedule as a Mom a lot easier. If you ever need some Promotional Products like Promotional shirts or
Office Stationary, go to Shoplet as they are complete with Office Supplies from different companies. Thank you Shoplet and House of Doolittle!
Disclaimer: The author of this blog was NOT financially compensated to write this review. Opinions being expressed is not in anyway influenced by other factors. The product/s mentioned above was provided for FREE for evaluation purposes.