Finding deals is what at least I could do as a stay at home Mom to help our family budget in line. You just have to know when to get the deals and where to find it. This is the time of the year where plants are usually on sale so I always wants to go to the garden store to find some great deals. Here are some of the plants I bought for less.

These miniature roses usually cost $16.98 but I got them for $2.70. What I love about these roses is that, it is low maintenance and they come back every year. It's a ground cover roses which is perfect to use in front of border plantings and makes a beautiful statement when it drapes naturally over the rock or edge. It has great flower power and disease resistance. I have a lot of these in my front yard.
This pink knock out rose seems to be dying already but I got it revived. It is now doing well in my yard. I got this on sale as well ($2.70). I have to share this deal that I found online that you might be interested in. Enjoy!