
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Steamed Cleaning the Carpet at Home

Saturday and Sunday were the busiest days for us last week.  We went to  Memorial Baptist Church  on Saturday  morning for my  daughter's piano rehearsal then we headed to Eat n' Park for breakfast.  After  eating, we dropped by at  the store and looked for some  patio furniture selection.  Then we came home and changed  and went to Starvaggi pool for the kids   to enjoy the warm weather  in the pool.  We spent about 2 hours straight from there  then we came  home.

Hubby was in the mood to clean so he steamed vac our carpet, he spent a good while shampooing and scrubbing it.    I know that we should  steam our carpet more often but when you have kids who are very active and wants to do things with you all the time, it is a challenge.  We keep it clean by vacuuming  2 or 3 times a week though because our dogs sheds a lot so I constantly run the vacuum.  Hubby wishes that a company like Green Choice Carpet Cleaning can come to our house and do the job (lol).  Kidding aside, Green Choice uses cleaning product that  are natural and organic, hence very safe for families, business, and for mother nature. They are a New York based  company so if you are near the area and want to hire  a team to clean your rug, this is the perfect time as they have a 15% offer for cleaning  couch, mattress, rug, and carpets.