My kids saw these pretty summer glasses in stores and asked if they can have one. Since it was only a dollar and fifty cents, I bought each of them one. They love using it with the glass straws that we have. Perfect for drinking their milk and juice!

These are not really made of glass, not sure if it's acrylic but they are pretty. The floating design is what attracts kids.
17 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:
Those are nice straw and it's eco-friendly too which is great.
Nice. This is really something that kids would love. The fancy designs make it even more eye-catching
as much as i like them, we can't. I have toddlers and it just doesn't seem safe for them.
Kids love something colorful especially when they are using it. These glasses looks fun really :-)
Those are really cute and good price for them!
My kids love to use straws too. These little glasses are beautiful!
Those are so cute, the beach one is my favorite.
what petty and fun glasses
Those looks great, I always wanted to have a glass straw that way i don't need to keep buying more straws to use.
Oh how cute those glasses are! My son would have loved them when he was younger.
glasses isn't an option for us yet, maybe when my kids get bigger.
they are indeed very pretty, my peachy would love to have one of those
We used to have tumblers like these when we were kids too! :D I remember mine had sea creatures and mermaids in it! My sister had stars and comets in hers. :D Awesome! I know why your kids love this! :D
That neat a straw glass! I might check this out i collect glasswear for my china this must be a good addition
@April, this isn't actually a glass, I think it is made of acrylic stuff or something but yeah, you may purchase it for your tots.
This is so popular back in 90's i remember i have one of this with glitters on on the side however it was plastic back then. This one is looks nicer with straw
The glasses are cute! I should buy a few of those glass straws! They are more environment friendly.
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