I found this Daring Rose Plaid at JC Penny, I rarely find an X-Small size with this kind of so I grabbed one and it was on sale for $10 and the Sound Girl jeans for $4. I was wearing the shoes that I got as birthday present last year from a dear friend and the outfit that I found looks perfect for the shoes so I bought them.
Another deal I got is this USPA or polo shirts at Sears. They were originally $28 but I got them with 60% off.

I like finding great deals like this.
7 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:
I like that capri shorts that you bought Sis and perfectly match your sexy sandals too :-) I love to score amazing deals too :-)
Those are super cute. You are small like I am, have you checked out the childrens dept for clothing? I go there all the time and buy the large or xl and they fit perfectly! Children's clothing is a lot cheaper, just a little harder to find things for mom's!
Wotwow! :) You absolutely look sexy and my dear Xsmall size is ahhhhmazing! :) Love the pants. And great buys. I am looking for new clothes for my little man as well since he will be going to school this fall. :)
I really like the capri's. I also love a good deal and this is a great one.
JC Penny really have awesome deals. I am digging the $4 capri you got :-) Actually, that matches with the tank top and sheer blouse that I got from JCP too last weekend.
You look totally cute I love the pants! they fit you perfect! cute top too!
Those are good deals. Shopping is one of my hobbies, too :)
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