
Friday, May 3, 2013

Coastal Woods Candle

This is the recent candle that I bought from the store.  I was going to get the Spring Scent but my husband love Coastal Wood  scent.  When you lit this candle, you can smell and feel like you are living in a country side with the fresh scent of the woods.  I love it's earthiness and mild scent.


  1. Oh!My weakness. The scent of burning aromatic candles makes me feel totally calm and rejuvenated.
    It's a pity that scented candles here cost a lot :) esp. in malls.

  2. I love candles too and they're indeed very comforting. I never tried this scent yet. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Nice to know that this scent is great sis. Will look for one, one of these days.

  4. I haven't tried this scents yet, I will check it out when I go to the store.

  5. I love these blueberry scented candles I bought in Divisoria!


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