We received a $10 coupon code from our favorite store and we can spend it with no minimum purchase. I bought this Egyptian Cotton bath towel out of it and glad to get it for free. Reading these
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As a stay-at-home-mom, finding deals is always a piority especially that it is only husband that has a permanent income in the family. With that being said, it is always a plus for our monthly budget whenever I find deals on the things that we need at our household. Another great deal that I found is the communion dress for our daughter. I was looking around for the prices online and it ranges from $150-$200+ for a a good one. Then a light came to my mind, why not try to look for it in the auction site where I am a member. That's what I did and I got a beautiful dress for my daughter for free, I just use the credits I have as a member and I paid for the shipping. Such a deal I got! Then for the veil and and shoes, I used the gift card that was rewarded to me by the fairy hobmother in blogland. See, I got all my daughter's communion stuff for only 10 dollars. I saved over two hundred dollars by looking for deals online.
So the next time you are looking for
new york deals, check out any of the links I have provided in this post as you can find many deals at the said website.
4 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:
And she looks adorable in that dress! Smart shopper, you are!
mommy knows best when to shop for discounted but functional stuff. i do that a lot , too :)
Some great deal here. Well done. Diane
these are great savings. and you're able to pick the beautiful items too.
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