Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mouse Pad

I bought a new mouse pad and let the old one retired for good.  The design   reminds me of my  place back home.  I miss seeing the  ocean and  smelling the ocean breeze.   My feet misses walking in the sand and getting bathe in  the salt water, ahh,  I miss being home!
Mellow Yellow,  Blue MondayMandarin OrangeABC Wednesday

11 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:

Chris Twyman and Angela said...

if I lived there,I would miss it too

Esme Sy said...

That's cute!

Fruity Roll

Unknown said...

that is one pretty mouse pad, love it :-) Dropping by from MYM

Fashion Momma said...

That's one pretty mouse pad.

My Blue.

Faye said...

So gorgeous! Every time you do computer stuff you can think of the beautiful oceanside that you miss. I lived near the ocean early in my marriage. There is nothing as satisfying as walking barefoot in the sand.

Martha from ilove2paint said...

For second I thought it was a window! What a beautiful place, where ever it is. I would miss it too :o)

Liz said...

Ganda! Have a fabulous week.

Liz @ YACB

Roger Owen Green said...

very scenic
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Joy said...

Nothing like being by the ocean but you will be able to dream with your new mouse-mat
Joy - ABC Team

Rajesh said...

Great looking mouse pad.

Unknown said...

Once you have lived close to the water side, you always want to go back!


Victorious Smile!

She won an international smile contest for the month of October 2009. This contest was sponsored by Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Oral Health Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada.

God bless y'all!

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