Monday, June 4, 2012

Rice Variety

We used to buy Calrose Rice because it tastes good, the problem is that it gets bad easily. So we switched to Jasmine rice, it smells good but it doesn't taste as good as the calrose rice.  Now, we're back to Calrose because  there is no Jasmine Rice at Walmart, sigh.
Aside from this regular rice, I also like Uncle Ben's  wild rice which I buy  once in a while.What kind of rice do you buy?

15 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:

Meoww said...

I am from South india. And i love sona masoori. It is more slender and longer than the jasmine rice but doesnot have much of smell. Basmathi rice is great for biriyanis and smells heavenly. Jasmine rice becomes sticky for me when i cook, but smells wonderful!

Roger Owen Green said...

haven't had Uncle Ben's forever.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Leovi said...

Great, very good this rice.

eden said...

I am buying jasmine rice here. I haven't tried the other brand you mentioned but I will check that out in the grocery shops here. I want to try it.

Seny said...

I haven't try those kind..I don't have any particular rice that I really like..I like them all ;-) thanks for stopping by Tales from my so called Life

♥peachkins♥ said...

Happy RT! Thanks for dropping by...

Ingrid said...

I don't know these kind of rice, I always use Basmati rice.

Kranky Granny said...

Rice is not a staple in our household. We are landlocked midwesterners. That means you will find potatoes on our table most meals.

Honey said...

haha! i find this post interesting... My parents' business is corn and rice milling... and like you, I'm very particular with the quality of the rice I eat... My mom usually serve the best rice at home... That's why... But I don't know what kind it is... I just eat... ^_^

Lina Gustina said...

Choosing the right rice isn't easy.
Thanks for dropping by.

Black Jack's Carol said...

I love brown rice, with its nutty flavour and substantial feel.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

here the rice doesn't gobad. I just bought Jasmine long grain, I buy 10 kilos bag. I also buy the calrose for sushi.

Unknown said...

i miss eating those kind of rice. but i just go to the cheap local rice we have hehehe hope you can visit my My Ruby Tuesday here.

Linnea said...

I have been buying brown rice. I do love a fluffy white rice though! Thanks for checking out my RT.

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

I love Jasmine Rice , Great Pics !


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