Impulse - a sudden urge or fancy. I grabbed my camera as as I saw this at R=Treasure Island flea market Steubenville, Ohio.
When I first met my husband, he was an impulsive buyer but not anymore hehehe. I am glad! How about you? Are you an impulsive type of buyer?

8 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:
wow, I will join here, this is enjoyable... Blessings sis. Dami mo ng blogs...
His Unfailing Love
impulsive pics are the best
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
I agree with Roger
me, sometimes. hehehe but hubby keeps on covering my eyes when I liked something.
I am an Impulsive everything!!!!
Am a sucker for TV ads especially with kitchen gadgets ... so just dont watch QVC or HSN anymore :) Thanks for visiting .. new follower on GFC .. will viist yr other blogs as well later.
Hello i like your blog, you have interesting topics here! I followed you by the way~!
Yeah sometimes .. just quick visit here.
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