Monday, July 11, 2011

Vacation Bible School

We encouraged Mr. Burrito to join Ms. Burrito  to the Vacation Bible School this year.  We are hoping that this would  motivate him to go to school next year.  We don't want to force him into attending pre-school this year  because he is not yet ready.
Today is the first day and from what I have observed, he did pretty well.  Maybe because  our neighbors, Sarah and Liz, were one of the facilitators on the said event that Mr. Burrito did not seem to mind joining.
Some set up in the even'ts venue.
Vacation Bible Schol is a great  activities for the kids during summer break.  As the priest of our church have said "Summer break does not mean that you have to take vacation with your faith too".

Update:  When  they came home, our son was so excited to tell us that he got to recite  the alphabet from A-Z without mistake.  I am glad that he is showing some progress.

15 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:

Kim, USA said...

Very good idea to bring EJ in the VBS. He would definitely find a friend and that would start his yearning to see him/her in school this Fall. Happy Monday!
Barn & Cherries are red

maria said...

Sounds like fun. Happy RT!

Mine's here.

GagayMD said...

hope the Buritos will enjoy being in school.

dropping by from Orange Tuesday..see you at my Orange Fishes, Orange Keypad, Orange Plate and Orange Google Doodle.Have a great Tuesday!

Roger Owen Green said...

How abecedarian of you!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Stef said...

A very nice activity. Here's my share for OT. Thanks a lot!

Unknown said...

very nice activity indeed! i used to attend such when i was a kid...

here for WW!

hope to see you, thanks!

Verna Luga said...

wow, so EJ will be in the big school next near.. go EJ... was here for WW..

jane said...

Well done - what an exciting week for your family - how lovely seeing your family having a great time - Jane

Isabel said...

looks like soo much fun

Chie Wilks said...

it sure was a fun kind of learning for the kids..i hope it helps mr. burito to decide.

my whites here

Cildemer said...

Very nice entry for Z day! Mr burrito having some fun with friends;o)
Thanks for sharing;o)
Happy day***

magiceye said...

great to see the kids enjoy their learning experience

purethoughts said...

how fun!!and i agree with your priest! thanks for joining us this week, John!

Dhemz said...

wow! how cool....:)

Shengkay said...

i used to go BVS also when i was small..gusto ko yung we memorize verses..kaya lang masyado akong shy nung bata ako..shy pa rin naman ngayon pero slight na lang..


Victorious Smile!

She won an international smile contest for the month of October 2009. This contest was sponsored by Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Oral Health Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada.

God bless y'all!

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