An ABSTRACT image taken by a sudden movement of the subject. Nothing special but I find it interesting!
"God ALLOWS life to be rocky. His challenge is not to let the rocks grind you into dust, but to polish you to become a brilliant gem." One of the beautiful messages I found at the Nuggets of Wisdom book that I got for my birthday long time ago.

11 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:
That truth is something I learned long ago when a Pastor shared how much heat and pressure is needed to turn a clump of coal into a diamond.
I'm a diamond in the rough and God keeps working and smoothing me into what He wants me to be.
Thanks for something inspirational.
very nice - and imaginative.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Is that the floor from my school Dad? Nice one.
Accidents are sometime Awesome.
I like abstracts and this one works very well both visually and also for the A theme.
ahh A na pala, nice shot and concept
It's true what you and Wanda say:"A diamond cannot become a real jewels if it's only handled with a soft cloth, it needs very hard material to become what God intended it to be . But it also needs a soft hand every now and then.
Gosh, I think I'm going to take a fair bit of polishing! I think I'm still rock, heading towards dust. :(
Love the picture though - I have some abstracts taken by accident, but kept because they were so appealing!
Thanks everyone!
Amazing Accidental Abstract. Fun how our cameras surprise us sometimes, hey?
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