These are the wreaths that were given to some of the veterans of different services. The guest speaker during the memorial event gave a very touching story about the man whom she worked with in Iraq and died. Most of the people there sobs and tears rolled down their cheeks, including me wahhhh.

Thanks for visiting!
7 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:
The florist are kept busy!
Happy Blue Monday, John!
A nice tribute to those that served us well. Tears help keep our eyes clean. made me sobs too..
Naku siguro if i was there same din siguro iyakin ako eh, hahah!
Wow! This is yours too? I don't have any idea where you got the energy, time and ideas to write. Well, hope you are doing great at your blogs.
I agree with xLeon...I also thinking how can you manage all your lovely blogs...
great stuffs.
very colorful...I like it!
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