Our two burritos love to take pictures. Most of the time they are out of proportions but we keep them anyway to encourage them to get better each time.

These were captured by both of them, the first two sets were Ms. Burrito's.
These last sets of photos were captured by Mr,. Burrito.Good job my sweet burritos, I know that you will get it perfect someday. These are small proof that you guys never gives up, so keep trying. You are our superstars anyway!
14 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:
I think they did a great job and you've got lots of great things for your memes.
That is an adorable kitchen set!
Happy Monday
Your Newest Follower
Tranquil Acres of Alexandria
It is so important to encourage them to try new things when they are interested. Great job!
They're learning from you and John.
Happy Blue Monday, Rose.
for me, these are wonderful photos! great job kiddos!
very colorful!
Starting young. :)
My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo
They did a great job! What a fun play area ~
I know my grandchildren love to use my camera too and do pretty good. Nice.
Hahaha some were blur but some are really perfect good job kids visiting here through MYM My Daily Mumbles thanks
Give them camera because they seems have so much itnerest in photography
Love it! at least they are eager to please ;-)
Ruby Tuesday
Hi !If you don´t try you never learn :)
Think they did it great !
Thank´s for your comment at my blog :)
Haha but still a budding photographers :) those blurry shots are just like some effects lol.
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