Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nostalgia # 22 - Blessing

They say that when a bird poops on you, it's a blessing. Do you believe in it? Let me tell you a little story about our church wedding. During the reception, we had to pull this cage with two doves in it. As I pull the rope, the dove laid a massive poop on me, right in my face lol. A month after the incident, my wife called me to deliver the great news, she finally got pregnant, yohoooo! Is it a coincidence? Whatever it was, we were ecstatic because we had been waiting for over a year for her to conceive but it never happened.


Victorious Smile!

She won an international smile contest for the month of October 2009. This contest was sponsored by Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Oral Health Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada.

God bless y'all!

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