They say that when a bird poops on you, it's a blessing. Do you believe in it? Let me tell you a little story about our church wedding. During the reception, we had to pull this cage with two doves in it. As I pull the rope, the dove laid a massive poop on me, right in my face lol. A month after the incident, my wife called me to deliver the great news, she finally got pregnant, yohoooo! Is it a coincidence? Whatever it was, we were ecstatic because we had been waiting for over a year for her to conceive but it never happened.
12 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:
it's just a coincidence i think that brought a very good news. i love your wedding picture.
my entry is here. have a great day!
Hahaha I remember how stunk you were after the incident lol..
It's a funny incident, John :)
I've just known about the 'meaning of bird poops'...
hahahahaa!!oh my!Did Ate Rose still kissed you after the incident?lol!
HAve a nice day,Sir John!
hahaha! it also happened to us during our wedding. ;-)
hahaha, so the poop brought all the luck .... great picture John, Rose.. ikaw ha inantay mu pang mapopoan si hubby bago ka mag-buntis... hehhe.. Sorry John just ask rose what does it mean...lol.
wow, now i want to believe that poop is luck =)
following you now...
haha eew pa rin!But very good luck if you think of it..lol
Hope you can check my entry too!
what an uncanny blessing:)
was there a second dove before jake was conceived:)))
hhahaha...I was going to asked the same Q...lol! did wifey still kiss you? am sure she did!...ehhehehe....I guess it's a BLESSING!
wow, haha. now I believed.. blessings talaga yan! just imagine that.. did you wipe it after? surely it will bring more blessings by not removing it..
That could be more than a coincidence.
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