Aside from sweets, humor also runs in my family's blood. My father is always full of humor and when you talk to him, it wouldn't be a dull moment. The same way with my other siblings, we laugh and joke when we are all together.

These two shots were taken during Rylie's second birthday at my brother's house in New Cumberland. We decided to held it there since he was hosting a 4th of July party so it was a blast. Above photo is my sister and below is my Dad. Now can you imagine us being serious when we are all together?

8 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:
I can imagine just looking at the picture I cant help but to laugh, surely there's no dull moment with you all guys, mine is up and its here thanks
why did you not include yourself... hahahaha.... i love happy people...
grandpa is cool...
Nostalgia here
That's great that your family has the funniest humor. My hubbz family got the Irish humor. If you know what I mean. :)
wow! I can already imagine the laughter, fun and humor once you all all together. I don't like boring get together either, unfortunately, when it comes to my in laws, that's what happens, hahaha!
you have a great family there.. =) Cool..
I bet it's a big happy family you got there. lol..
i can hear the laughters from here when you're all together. what a happy family you have with all these photos full of humor.. now i know the secret of how to stay young forever!
Cute photos! How brave of them to allow their photos to be posted! Great sense of humour!
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