Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Nostalgia # 12 - Our Baby is Becoming a Little Lady

These shots were taken when our daughter was just nine months old. We still lived at my father's home back then.
She is wearing the clothes and hat that my sister Chris made for her.
I miss those days when Rylie was still a baby. Now she is turning into a little lady. Oh how time flies. She will start school in three weeks. Are you feeling nostalgic? Join us by clicking the badge below.

13 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:

Carmen Araneta said...

Rylie's so cute as a baby but she's getting much prettier now with her almond chinky eyes. Nice family!

Chie Wilks said...

oh it is so cute of Rylie here...she growing up into a beautiful lady indeed..

Unknown said...

you must be getting a lil' nervous seeing our baby growing faster each day.:p
she's a pretty baby, no wonder she's a beautiful girl.

Cecile said...

such a cutie :-); i feel the same, John...my son is growing like a weed and there's nothing I can do about it...he will be a first grader this fall, wahhhh :-(

Jenn Valmonte said...

How cute! Time really flies fast.

My Nostalgia post is up HERE.

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

awwww she is so cute now and then. she had chubby checks.

Sunshinelene said...

ihave that kind of wish too, John that babies won't grow tall. I just wish that they stay babies (in size) forever. ;-)

Baby R so cute!


Unknown said...

Very cute indeed...she looks like you John...just take care of her for she our future Miss. Philippines.

mine is up now.

Sheryl of georyl.com said...

Such a cute baby. No wonder if she'll turn into a gorgeous princess. But my my! How fast time flies....

Verna Luga said...

before you know it she's going out already with friends... life! Nostalgia hopping here ... Table for Five

charmie said...

she is absolutely cute and adorable baby. Yeah i agree with the, she grow up prettier.

Love is in the Air

Clarissa said...

awww..so cute of Rylie!She's growing up that soon too just like my Wakaba^_^

Mel_Cole said...

Aw, so cute little Rylie, and that's so nice and crafty of your sister to make a dress for her. I like it!



Victorious Smile!

She won an international smile contest for the month of October 2009. This contest was sponsored by Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Oral Health Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada.

God bless y'all!

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