Thursday, July 8, 2010

Nostalgia # 8 - Caught in Action

I was transferring our photos into the external drive that we bought when I saw these photos. So the little fella, tried to do it when he was a year old only. Remember that incident that happened in our home when EJ tried to climbed at curio? Look at him in this picture.
And look at his expression when his Mom tried to tell him not to climb in there lol. Join us folks in reminiscing the memory lane by clicking the badge below.

6 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:

charmie said...

Obviously that was his favorite place to climb on... at last he did climbed and accident happened..

Thanks for visiting and for the comment. God Bless

Lina Gustina said...

Hahaha...he loves climbing...
Love to see the expression on his face :)

Thanks for dropping by...

Dhemz said...

awwwwwww...I remember that incident....:) he looks persistent....:)

thanks for the visit on my entry John...I have no idea why our school changed the ID color...I don't!

Lady Patchy said...

hahaha ,i like EJ's angelic innocent look when mama caught him. soo cute

Anonymous said...

they are so cute..especially EJ, showing an innocent scared face..and then when mum starts to count from 1 to 3, kids begin to panic..=)

Mommy Liz said...

Hehehe! I can see how his face looked so disappointed and wanting to cry. But, I know what happened recently, he succeeded and got bruises and made some of momma's nice collection broken. Glad he's safe though.


Victorious Smile!

She won an international smile contest for the month of October 2009. This contest was sponsored by Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Oral Health Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada.

God bless y'all!

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