My brother Rick bought this Corvette a few years ago and and fixed it up really nice. He had the help of my brother Dave, who owns an auto body shop. When we were visiting my Dad the other day, he pulled up and we were finally able to see it. I gave it a preliminary inspection and it looked real real nice.
It reminds me about his daughter back when she was a little kid. She loved the song "Little Red Corvette" by Prince and she always said that when she got bigger, she would buy one for him. Well, he ended getting one on his own. So now she is free from her obligation....hehehe
While we were busy talking, my wife was busy taking pictures. Thanks hon!
My daughter even struck a pose on this hot ride lol.
No way would EJ let a chance like this pass by, he gave it a once over too.
Do you see the photographer?
Is this good enough for Ruby Tuesday?

12 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:
And candy apple red too. This is just the ultimate dream car.
wowww,i love that red car and your kids are lovely...
Very cool!
Ruby Moose
wow! congratulations to your brother.
its been a while since i visited here so let me say that your header is so fantastic;)
I love the little girl posing and the shot of the reflections. A varied post on the one topic. Clever!
I am not a Corvett person, but that one is a real jewel. He did fabulous job on fixing it up. You daughter makes it look even better. She is so cute.
what a glorious choice for ruby redness ... happy ruby tuesday.
My Ruby Post
Oh I'll take two!!!! I can just picture me behind the wheel...go grannie go grannie go grannie go!!!
Won't you visit my Ruby Tuesday? I'd love to have your company today.
haha i like the way you posted the pictures John and the last was Rose.... caught in the act hahaha.
oh my! love love that car! :) and i saw you :)
u may view mine here
Joops, Nice car!! And great photos of the "little RED Corvette!" Lovely family too! Thanks for participating in Ruby Tuesday! :)
Lovely car!!!
Water Tower At Grand Station
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