Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Snow no more

The snow was melted already so I took mour kids yesterday at our backyard a little bit and they had so much fun even for a short period of time. It was windy though so we did not stay very long. Good thing that Rose is always ready to capture the moment.

Sharing these photos with Outdoor Wednesday. Have a great one folks.

16 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:

Ingrid said...

Fun in the cold !
I just looked at your slideshow above, what nice pictures !

vignette design said...

Brrrr! Great shot of you and the kids in the cold! --Delores

Terry said...

oh thank you so much for adding me to your email post lists.
i had to come right away because the photos didn't display on my gmail.
that play ground set is just wonderful.!
how much fun it is for you and your pretty rose to be there with the kids!
you know that light brown house is the same shape of the house that the golden children lived in when dad golden was in the air force. there were seven kids and mom and dad golden, living in that three bedroom house!
at that time, we lived in trenton, ontario at 53 borden drive.
all of the streets in that air force base were named after other bases.
the life was the best we children could have but i am sure that your own children will regret when you are transferred to other bases.
whenever dad golden was transferred, it was so hard for us to tear out the roots, leave our friends and then have to make a whole new set of buddies...only to move AGAIN!
but it WAS the best life for us after all and it will be for your little family too...
still working on getting caught up on my comments, but when i do, i am surely going to come and read your blog..
god bless you and your sweet flower rose and your precious jewels, rylie and ej....with love terry

ps i like the way that all of your
posts start with your profile and the video..i never tire of looking at it again...my husband enjoys it too!

Barbara Jean said...

I always love seeing families out together.

thanks for coming by

barbara jean

Maryrose said...

Cute photos..but it looks cold. Funny, it made me remember when I was a kid and had to bundle up to go outside. We are spoiled here in Cali. Great post.

Quilt Works said...

So nice to see that the snow have melted - although judging by you little guy it is still pretty cold. He is so cute all buddled up!

Anonymous said...

You can only be indoors for a while and then you have to get out even if it is cold. I took a walk yesterday between showers, had to get out too.
It looks like a great place for kids to play.
Kathy b

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Fun on a chilly day! Sweet little faces under those warm hats!

Maya @ Completely Coastal said...

The snow is melting away here too! And I'm glad!!

ellen b. said...

It's always nice for the kids to be able to get out and enjoy the outdoors!!

kathy said...

Getting warm! getting warm! I'm so glad it's getting warm! hehehhe


Ebie said...

EJ must be cold, he is all bundled up and cute! A wonderful family bonding time!

P.S. Good luck with your studies!

Jeanne said...

Hi John, it has been a while since I have visited your posts. Hooray, no more snow. Ours is gone too, but it will be back. It is too soon here in the mountains to get off this light. Love the photo of you and the children. I admire you for doing this blog. Keep it up.

Hugs, Jeanne

DoanLegacy said...

Fun family time!

A New Beginning said...

I love winters :) the pics are great, Im sure the kids must have enjoyed themselves :)

Lorie Shewbridge said...

Great photos. Looks like the kids are having a terrific time.
You can hardly see EJ because of his big ole fuzzy hat! Too cute!


Victorious Smile!

She won an international smile contest for the month of October 2009. This contest was sponsored by Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Oral Health Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada.

God bless y'all!

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