We only have 70 days to go till we go back to the good ol' U.S. of A and each day seems to drag by so slowly. It reminds me of my childhood just weeks before Christmas, the wait was unbearable. Speaking of Christmas, we are really looking forward to being home in time for Christmas and being with our family and friends. My Dad is also very excited to see our kids again. Below is a picture of Dad in a carefree and happy-go-lucky mood.

Here is a pic of the women in our family. My niece Jen, my sister Crystal (Jen's mom) and my mom a few years before she passed away. This picture was taken when Crystal won "Mom of the Year" in our region. She got a limo ride to dinner and all of the special treatment that goes with it. Jen submitted an entry and that entry won. My mom joined them for the celebration.