Watching the Kois in the pond is one of the fondest memories of our kids during our stay in South Korea.
The shots of these two photos were not very clear as it was taken while the car is running. My wife is addicted to taking photos hehehe and I am glad because I can post some of them.

A little bit blurry here.

26 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:
Cool! That is one very large shadow!
This is what I love about having digital, no worries about blurred photos...DELETE...keep on shooting though, that's the fun of it!
shadowy branches
grey ghostly leaves shuddering
against concrete wall
My Shadow Shot
That really is a big shadow! And a lovely one as well! And, yes, that is the great thing about digital cameras! I love mine!
very nice shadows...
Haha, moving shadows, really nice! Good idea!
those are Koi??? nice! thanks for sharin :)
The kois are lovely and the shadows are really big. Happy WW!
My entries:
A Simple Life
Cool photos! Happy WW.
Very nice photos!
oh those koi pond...lots of fish....:)
enjoyed the koi photos. it's fun to take photos on the road, lots of interesting subject. and sometimes, you get lucky with a really great shot.
They looks great...Thanks for the comment of my watery Wednesday.
It's cool, love the pond...
Thanks for the visit.
Beautiful shots of the Koi and wonderful shadow too. I'm celebrating my 1st Blogoversary at Happily Retired Gal and sharing photos of Molly at Dog Beach at Small Reflections. Happy Thanksgiving ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
always love gold fish ponds :)
Great photos!
Mine are here and here.
love the fishes... thanks for dropping by my page
The fish are so colorful and friendly. they grow so large and look so pretty. Happy WW
Cool photos of the Koi fish.
I enjoyed the photos.
awesome shots...of watery wednesday with lovely colors of fishes
mine is here
Great photos! You have a lovely family. Is your wife perchance Filipina? Just curious because mine is. Thanks for visiting my blog.
It's cool and nice shot of the school of fish.
I'm glad that you wife likes to take so many pictures this way we can all enjoy them. Love the koi pond :)
colorful fishes.. great! Hopping-in here Joops to great you and Manang Rose with your kiddos a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year..
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