Saturday, November 7, 2009

In our blood

Serving the nation is in our blood because my father served the military and so was one of his brothers who died in Germany. And now I am about to retire from 20 years of service in the navy.

Below are some photos of my father and his friends during his military life.

My father left home at an early age to serve in the three C's (Civilian Conservation Corps) in which he traveled throughout West Virginia and other states providing plant and wildlife conservation efforts as well as assisting in the national efforts towards economic recovery. He was drafted into the U.S. Army as he ended his duty with the three C's and headed off to WWII. He was assigned to the Pacific Theatre under the command of General Douglas MacArthur in which he fought against the Japanese throughout many islands of the pacific such as Guam, Saipan, and the Philippines. He returned from the war and started a family and a new career with Weirton Steel Corp.

I'm very proud of my father because he is a true survivor in life. He was born in the Roaring Twenties, lived through the Great Depression, contributed to the liberation of the Philippines as well as victory in WWII, and he managed to make it back to his home state and raise a family. He has a strong moral character and if he believes in something, he always sticks to his guns. I still recall, during my teenage years while on a hunting expedition, he was able to out-climb and out-run me up the hills of West Virginia and he was already in his 60s.

In my lifetime, I would be happy to say that I accomplished at least half of what my father has during his. He is a Great American Hero in my eyes and I love him dearly.

26 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:

Marites said...

this is really a sweet tribute to your father. I'm sure he's quite proud of you too. Welcome to PhotoHunt! :)

Btw, offtopic..I love barongs and I really like that you're wearing barong in your wedding day:)

Kari said...

Thank you for your service and your father's.
Precious photo's.

Barbara H. said...

What a wonderful tribute! I love the collage of soldiers.

Mojo said...

Sounds like quite a guy, your dad. Great tribute!

Ordinary Biscuit said...

He is a hero indeed

Lew said...

Great tribute to your Dad! Those are the kinds of pictures I remember most growing up. Two of my uncles (one a career sailor) served in the Pacific in WW II. My brother (also career Navy) was on USS Forrestal during Vietnam. Thank you for your service! And welcome to PhotoHunt. You have a precious family. Blogging will give you even more reason to take photos. Good luck on the path you take following the Navy!

Arlene said...

such a touching tribute to your great father.

Nice and priceless pieces momentous of him.

Welcome to PH and have a nice weekend to the whole family. thanks for the visit too!

Dianne said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

I think your life certainly parallels that of your dad and uncles-you all stood up for our country. Your photos are great! I really love seeing old photos. Not sure if you are on Flickr Photos (free to join), but there are tons of groups and tons of old and new photos alike. One of the best places to go on the web!
Congrats on your well earned retirement.

Willa said...

Congrats with the upcoming retirement.

Clara said...

My dad is from the same era as yours. He never made it to the battle field as he was in pilot training school when the war ended. Some of my uncles fought in Europe. I've seen many of your dad's characteristics in my dad. Was it the military, the war, or just the time in which they were born? Your dad sounds like a great man.

I also saw your picture over at Etcetera, etcetera. You're a hero, too.

moonstar said...

I salute all the brave men who serves their country well. They are the true heroes of our times.

magiceye said...

I salute you all for your great service!

YTSL said...

Hi Joops --

I think I just came from your wife's blog. You're the husband who's retiring after 20 years naval service, right? If so, here's wishing you a happy retirement on this as well as your wife's blog! :)

Chie Wilks said...

Ohh....thanks for sharing us this very heroic story of your seems like you, ur dad and ur uncle were born to be heroes... thumbs up to ur dad for being the best dad and one of the heroes we have in the world...because being a military and even working in a military is like putting his/her life in risk to save people

RJ Flamingo said...

A very powerful tribute to your father and whole family. Y'all are very fortunate, and we are fortunate to have you and yours. :=)

Thank you for your service!

Carver said...

What a great post for the theme and wonderful tribute to your father.

Debbie@Like a Rose said...

Great photos and an awesome tribute to your Dad.

Thanks for visiting me.

EJ said...

I think the time period had a great deal to do with it Clara. The thing that most people often forget is that the United States was founded and created through war. The wars fought in yesteryear had meaning and were filled with purpose. Americans were fighting for freedom and they had that mind set that made them unstoppable. As we move further away from those days, people are losing touch with that fact and forgetting what it cost for things to be they are today. I am sad to see the lack of patriotism in our nation today. I really can't believe that someone would dare burn our flag or fly their home nation's flag in its place. They (including our own President) say it's just a flag but I say it's a belief, a hope, a dream, and a way of life.

Kim, USA said...

A salute to your father and congratulations to you John for your upcoming retirement. Regards to the whole family! God bless!!

Jama said...

I salute the heroes who sacrificed their lives so that we could enjoy the peaceful time now.

Random WAHM Thoughts said...

aww.. this is so sweet! i'm sure your dad is proud of you :)

eastcoastlife said...

That's a sweet tribute to your Dad.

Many parents don't want their sons to serve in the military, yet in your family you have 3 military men. Congrats on your coming retirement. May you have a happy retirement.

Chris said...

great family who contributed so much to the nation! great photos too!

Liz Hinds said...

What a lovely post! I'm sure your dad is just as proud of you.

The man on the left in the bottom photos looks like a movie star!

Yami said...

Joops, those photos are amazing. You're able to keep them all these years. You're dad and uncle deserve the accolade. Btw, congrats on your upcoming retirement.:)

Irene aka Sweet Surrender said...

Amazing take on the theme. Thanks for dropping by last week, was too occupied until no time to drop you a visit.



Victorious Smile!

She won an international smile contest for the month of October 2009. This contest was sponsored by Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Oral Health Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada.

God bless y'all!

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