Monday, November 2, 2009

In the Library

When we first arrived here in Korea, the cable connection was free but after a couple of months, they wanted us to pay for it. My wife and I decided to just cut it because we seldom watch Tv anyways. Besides there are movies and TV shows that we can rent for free in the library for us to watch. So we go to the library three to four times a week to borrow books and movies.
Here's our daughter and son enjoying their time at the library.

Happy Mellow Yellow everyone. Welcome to my first entry!

14 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:

Lindz said...

is that inside the base? are the books are in english? yes library is a great resource, when my boys were still in pre school I often take them to our local one, they have pre school activities and if we aren't busy we just go there and read in their lounge... I lvoe library, i still go there by myself to read newspaper.

Sandy "From the Heart of Texas" said...

Welcome to Mellow Yellow! I love the bright yellow in the library and your little librarians are very cute :)

Diane AZ said...

Hi Joops, I'm sure your children love visiting the library. It sure looks cheerful with the yellow table and I see your son's shirt is yellow too! Happy Mellow Yellow Monday!

The Explorer said...

nice touch of yellow color and best of it are the cute kids...c",)

Sara Chapman said...

Wonderful Mellow Yellow entry. Love those cheerful yellow tables. And good for you ditching the TV. They don't need it at all, and neither do you.

Tania said...

So cute!;-) Fine yellow in the library!

Stephanie V said...

Aren't they busy at the library? Good for you to be creative and use the library so well. Nice debut photo for MYM.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to see kids happy in a library!

Unknown said...

I saw both your blogs. You are a loving dad with cute and lovely children. Ever drop by Malaysia ?

SquirrelQueen said...

So cute, a perfect MYM. They look like they are having a great time. Good for you for dumping the TV, a very wise decision.

You have two great looking blogs. Thanks for visiting my photo blog hope you will come again sometime.


anne said...

your kids are so cute and its a great way to train kids to always go to the library hehehe thanks for visiting JOops

B : ) said...

Sweet, very very sweet. B : )

Pia said...

woohoo! she won. congratulations!!! she's really pretty!

Chris said...

yeah... i LOVE the library...

you might want to join my giveaway


Victorious Smile!

She won an international smile contest for the month of October 2009. This contest was sponsored by Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Oral Health Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada.

God bless y'all!

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