Thursday, October 15, 2009

Childhood Photo Flashback

My entry for this week's Flashback Photo is one of my childhood photograph which I am not sure how old I was when this was taken. My Mom probably forgot to put the date at the back. So here it is.
 Have a great weekend everyone!

26 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:

A New Beginning said...

Hey! Thats a very cute snap!! have a great weekend!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Nyahahahaha you are very cute when you were a kid Hon!

Clarissa said...

You still have the same smile up to now,Sir John!^_^How I wish I have my own childhood photograph with me..

Have a blessed weekend to you and your family!!^_^

Dhemz said...

oh cute...hehehhe...thanks for sharing john!

sweet_shelo said...

cute kiddo you have been... Ur hair color was amazing.. neat hairstyle.. hehe

Hazel said...

What a lovely smile! Happy Friday.

Veronica Lee said...

Cute overload!! Such a beautiful smile too!!

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by.

nanay said...

a cute photo. thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

great picture! :)
and thank YOU for your service!

ps thanks for visiting!

Lorrie said...

ok this is cute...I would have thought that little jacket would have dated you but I have many photos I don't put the date on....
Thanks for stopping by my blog and I love seeing men holding up their family values. Have a great weekend with your family. Be blessed.

More Than Words said...

Well, considering the plaid jacket, this must be the 70's! Probably around the same time as my husbands picture!!

Gotta love the 70's!!

Tetcha said...

That's one cute photo. By the way, I've already added this blog to my list of "Interesting Sites." Thanks for adding my blog in your list, too.

Margaret Cloud said...

Very cute picture, looks like you may have been between the ages of 7 and 9 years old.

Muthering Heights said...

That's such a nice photo!

Erin said...

School pictures are hard to look pretty young here...I'd guess 2nd grade. Regardless, you look so snazzy in your sports coat! That is a great picture.

Erin said...

P.S. I and my family are grateful for your service to our country. We appreciate all that you do, day in and day out.

Laureen said...

You look so cute in that picture.

Chris said...

great picture to look back with :D more fun memories with this picture im sure :D

Unknown said...

Hahahaha you look cute and good in that picture Sir John.

Lindz said...

oh my John it's no wonder why EJ is cute because you truly are cute, like father like son I guess.

Mahmood Syed Faheem said...

Hi thanks for the visit. Voted for your daughter. Best wishes.

eden said...

that's so cute. it surely brings back memories..

Diana Yusuf said...

thanks for coming into my place, i've vote for that

kathy said...

So innocent looking.. But to be honest, nothing much has changed. you still look young now...

Rossel said...

only the weight and height changed. the face is still the same.

Mommy Liz said...

"You were so adorable when you were little, what happened??"

That's what I always say when I look at my hubby's kid photos..and he gets annoyed...

I am thinking which of your 2 kids look like you on this picture. Rylie I think..


Victorious Smile!

She won an international smile contest for the month of October 2009. This contest was sponsored by Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Oral Health Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada.

God bless y'all!

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