This is a photo of the USS Frank Cable and an oiler in the process of an underway replenishment. I really enjoyed sailing the Pacific Ocean and surrounding seas, the water was so blue in certain areas that it was absolutely mesmerizing. I really developed an appreciation for the sea and I fully understand why the old school sailors, hundreds of years ago, were driven by the sea. It's mysterious, magnificient, and dangerous and it's something that gets into your soul.
15 valuable thoughts they wrote, what's yours?:
wow! Isn't it scary to cross n a big occean? happy blogging
Hmm... I can say that this blog is "new". I'm glad to be among those first few visitors here in your new and cool blog.
Way to go, sailorman. :)
Hi joops, thanks for the visit. added this link to my list.
have a nice day!
juliet :-)
hello, Jopps :-), was here to check on your new post!
joops...ur new url is "theretiredsailor.com"...are you retired now???
hello sailorman was here visiting what's new... are you leaving your other blog?
The water was so blue and huge and big ohhh they look beautiful but kind of scary.
HI! joops, thnks for dropping by! i really want to know more about other countries like korea etc. i have encountered korean students in the phils. one of our old friends an american owns a bar in cebu. when korean students visit the bar, they will just order 1 grande beer for 5 persons. they go to the bar just to play billiard. they will occupy the billiard table the whole night. i saw it happened when i was there in cebu.
i will add u to my blog.
and here is my url:
have a nice saturday!
wow new lay outs...its perfectly fit to you.heheh
Anyway i dont have my link also to yours..
I lost some of my links becuase i changed my layout but im trying to have them again..
i have aaded you already, again..
I don't know if I can live sailing for days John...hehehe. I always get seasick most of the time when I travel from Manila to CDO. Or even an hour travel from Camiguin Island to MIsamis Oriental port.
Was here today.
BTW, I featured this blog in: my 5 "recommended blogs"
hoping i can bring traffic here too...hehehe
ooh, deep blue sea!! nice view.
will update my blog for your new url.
happy blogging!
It's beautiful and I have to say that I really enjoyed watching the slide show at the top of your blog.
Nice photo John.Yes deep blue sea is beautiful yet scary...
It looks mighty to me, and very masculine!
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